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Week 9 Little Red and the very hungry Lion

This week we read the story of Little Red and the very hungry Lion, we discussed what animals eat, introducing words like carnivore and herbivore and talking about the things we eat at home. We recapped where we might find certain animals in the world, if those animals are here, where would we find them?

In maths we looked at 2d shapes and their properties, how can we guess what the shape is just by feeling it? The children put their hand in a feely bag and guessed what they could feel. The children then explored the shapes in play, creating some great pictures and structures.

As the weather was very wet, we played lots in the garden talking about the changing Spring weather. Puddles were created in the back garden and the children wore their wellies to splash and had fun digging to make some mud pies.

Nursery week 9 Little red and the very hungry lion