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Rainbow - Week 2 - Firefighters

What a busy and cold week we have had this week! The children have enjoyed seeing the frost each morning, and markmarking in the frost whilst at the Trim Trail.


Our book for Drawing Club this week was Superworm, which is one of my personal favourites! We continued with writing simple 'I am...' sentences, the children are all having a good try. Our favourite word this week was superhuman, closely followed by wriggling!


In Maths our focus has been subitising. When we are subitising, the children know that they can not count how many, they have to use their subitising skills, they are doing really well with this! We have been practising matching quantities with numerals. 


In pairs in Forest School, we took it in turns to hide a toy animal we took to the forest and use our positional language, (under, over, in etc) to help our partner find where we have hidden it. 


In RE, we spoke about love, the love that God and Jesus have for us. The children shared their ideas of what love looks like in their families and we created a lovely poem together.


The best part of the week has been the visit from the firefighters. I was so upset to have missed it, but the children couldn't wait to tell me all about it. The children loved seeing the engine and learning so many different facts about what firefighters do, how we can keep safe and what we need to do in an emergency. A lot of children were saying that they would need to call 911 in an emergency, which is actually the American emergency services. Please could you teach your child that it is 999, and their address as you never know when it is needed. Thank you!

Rainbow - Week 2 - Firefighters