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Rainbow - Week 6 - The Rainbow Fish

Thank you so much to the grown ups who came to our first Stay and Read, it was lovely to see the children reading with you all, they loved it. There will be more dates in the future, please look out for those.


On Tuesday, it was Mental Health Day, thank you for all the donations for the food bank. The children took part in a whole school project, they painted a paper plate, that will be formed into a rainbow with the rest of the school.


In Maths, we have been looking at more and fewer. 


In RE, we read the Creation story and the children shared their favourite things about the creation and why. We also spoke about how we much care for God's world and respecting everyone. We can do this by using our lovely manner, using our please and thank yous.


In phonics, we have learnt the sounds for 'g' and 'o'. The children had a go at forming the letters. We are practising starting from the top, and not taking the pen off the paper to form the letters correctly.

Keep practising all the sounds we have learnt at home please.


In music, Mr Mole bought his violin and some of the children had a turn to try and play it. They really enjoyed this. 


In forest school, the children had a task to try and find something special on the school field, and then tell us what makes it special. The children had some great ideas.


In PE, we had great fun playing some parachute games with Sunshine.