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Rainbow - Week 8 - Jack and the Beanstalk

As part of our Science Week next week, Fab Science came to visit us, and we had a science workshop with them. We watched some incredible experiments all about liquids and gases, before they turned into little scientists and had a go. 

Our Drawing Club book was the Little Red Hen. The children said it was not fair that the animals didn't want to help the hen make the bread, but they wanted to eat it. We made our own bread in class, the children practiced their mixing and kneading skills. In our writing, we are working on remembering capital letters, finger spaces and our full stops. 

In Forest School, the children made their own nests. They had a go at having a think of what animal could live in their nest, parrots and penguins were a few that were named!

For World Book Day we made our own special badges that had our favourite books represented on them. 

As part of our topic 'Ready Steady Grow' we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk. All of the children planted beans and we are watching them grow.

Our focus in Maths has been comparing and thinking about which numbers are more than 5 and which are smaller. We have been practising 1 more and are hoping to move onto 1 less.

Mothering Sunday was the focus of our RE lessons, and the children had secret missions, I hope you found their secret mission  in their book bags.


Rainbow Week 8 Jack and the Beanstalk