CAFOD COP26 - What is it? Why is it important?
COP26 is the annual UN climate conference. A ‘COP’ means ‘conference of parties’.
Governments and negotiators from across the world will travel to the meeting to discuss how to keep temperature rises below dangerous levels and prevent the climate crisis from causing even worse catastrophes for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.
Whole School Project-
During this term, each year group has been given a focus linked with the COP26 and CAFOD's Eyes of The World campaign.
Early Years - Caring for Our World
Year 1 & 2 - Eyes of the World
Year 3 & 4 - Laudato Si'
Year 5 - Impact of Climate change
Year 6 - Link between climate change and poverty.
Eyes of the World animation
Go Green!
As part of the COP26 CAFOD have run a GoGreen campaign which included an assembly which we watched and discussed as a whole school. This has inspired us to GoGreen on Friday 1st October. This means that together we can shine a light on some of the causes of the climate emergency while raising money to tackle poverty. As a school we will raise money for CAFOD and donate to our school's food bank.
GO Green with Luana this Harvest / CAFOD