Events and Competitions 2024-25
Sports events: September 2023-July 2024
Inter School Cross Country - 26th September, 2023
Years 3 and 4 - Speed Stacking Lunchtime Club
Years 5 and 6 - After School Netball Club
13th October 2023 - Bikeability Certificates awarded at Whole School Assembly.
13th October 2023 - Boys Football Team - reporting back at Whole School Assembly, following Hatfield Schools Tournament.
13th October 2023 - Boys and Girls Basketball Teams - reporting back at Whole School Assembly, following their 3rd place result at the District Basketball Qualifier held at Onslow St. Audrey School on Monday 9th October
Year 1 and Year 3 children sharing their Kick Boxing achievements at Whole School Assembly on 13th October 2023
Years 3-6 - Cross Country Team Event @ DeHavilland School - Friday, 3rd November 2023
15th November 2023 - A group of Year 6 children attended a multi-sports Targeted Activity Programme Event at the Hatfield Leisure Centre. They were able to try out a variety of different sports which included Tri-Golf and Boccia.
Thursday, 16th November - The Girls' Football Team played their first home match in the 2023/24 Football League. They welcomed The Hatfield Community Free School to this 'after school' match.

Friday, 17th November- The Year 6 Sports Leaders wereintroduced to the whole school during Assembly and they talked about the lunchtime 'multi-sports' clubs which they will be running for Reception (Tuesdays) and Year 1 (Thursdays).
Friday, 17th November - Recent achievements in Sports being reported about in this week's Whole School Assembly and certificates being awarded to children for their participation in Basketball, Football and Cross Country.
Monday, 20th November - The Boys' Football Team played their first home match in the 2023/24 Football League. They welcomed St. Mary's, Welham Green, to this 'after school' match.
Wednesday, 13th December 2023 - Years 3 and 4 Mixed Speed Stacking Event at Onslow St. Audrey School.