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The Friends of St Philip Howard School (PTA)

SPH Welcome BBQ Event - 20th Sept 2024


St Philip Howard Christmas Fayre - Saturday 2nd December

PHOTO-2023-11-07-09-22-13 (1).jpg

Christmas Fayre Letter 2023 (1).pdf

Firework Display - Saturday 11th November

SPH Fireworks flyer.pdf

School Disco - Friday 6th October

Disco Flyer Oct 2023.pptx

SPH Family BBQ - 15th September 2023

SPH BBQ flyer pdf.pdf

The Friends of St Philip Howard School     

The Friends of the School is a vitally important group of volunteers, consisting of parents and staff who work tirelessly to organise fundraising events for the school and local community. The money raised goes towards extra equipment and events for the children. 

New members are always welcomed.

We would also appreciate any fresh ideas for fund raising events and always need volunteers to help with the events. If you are interested then please get in contact with Mrs Smalley in the office, who is happy to pass on any comments to the Friends. Alternatively, you could e-mail the school, using the address at the top of this page, to submit your details.


 Meet the Friends Committee

Meet the Friends Committee 2023 (2).pdf