Early Years
St Philip Howard Catholic School
Early Years Vision and Values Statement
St. Philip Howard Catholic Primary School is a community based on the values of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church. We strive to create a distinctly Catholic ethos by developing truly Christian relationships and values. Prayer, worship and spirituality have a central place in our school which promotes the dignity and freedom of every person as created in the image and likeness of God.
Our Mission statement;
“We are part of God’s family. We follow the way of Jesus by loving, learning and doing our best.”
This will be achieved through:
Constantly striving for excellence – in teaching, learning and the curriculum
Educating the whole person
Developing strong relationships with parents and carers, the Diocese and parishes
A life of prayer and worship
A commitment to charitable outreach and social justice
A commitment to community cohesion, equality and diversity
Working towards achieving outstanding in all areas of the school as supported by Ofsted and the Diocesan Inspections
Our Catholic faith teaches us that parents are the first, and most important, educators of their children. By the time your child comes to us, they will have learnt their values, traditions and culture from you. They will have learnt the foundations for their faith journey and how to treat others. Our job is to join you on this journey and to build on the foundations that you have laid, broadening and deepening their knowledge.
In Early Years
We believe that our faith is at the heart of everything we do.
We believe in the importance of play
We believe in creating a love of reading in children
We believe in the importance of outdoor learning
We believe in the importance of a creative curriculum
Within our Early Years classrooms:
We provide a happy, caring atmosphere where children feel safe and can develop and learn.
We do that by:
welcoming and engaging with every child
ensuring children know and understand the boundaries
playing with the children
listening to the children
talking about their life at home
helping them to follow and explore their interests
We recognise that we are all unique and created in the image and likeness of God
We do that by:
embracing culturally diverse resources which reflect our children’s backgrounds
ensuring that every child is represented in some way in their classroom
being inclusive in our policies
engaging with parents about the child’s home culture
teaching children to treat others with respect
We provide learning opportunities for children to follow their interests
We do that by:
talking to the children about their interests
getting children to tell others about their interests
providing enhanced provision based on children’s interests
encouraging children to bring in items of interest from home
We promote creativity and give children opportunities to be imaginative, critical thinkers and independent, resilient learners
We do that by:
encouraging children to explore and investigate all areas of the environment
providing learning opportunities in every play activity
encouraging children to ‘have a go’
teaching children to learn from their mistakes
knowing the next steps in their learning journey
We ensure all children achieve their best
We do that by:
providing high quality questioning and interactions to move the children’s learning forward
providing learning plans for children with additional needs
engaging with outside agencies such as Speech & Language, for children with special educational needs
using ongoing assessment to plan next steps for the children
We promote high standards of behaviour and help children to understand each others’ feelings
We do that by:
having a school behaviour policy based on forgiveness and restorative justice
ensuring children understand behavioural expectations
talking the children about what has happened
helping children to think about how they feel and how others feel
encouraging children to apologise and to make amends
teaching children to find ways to avoid the same situation again