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RE - Rainbow

Welcome to our RE page. Please see below what we have been learning about each term. 

 The Catholic faith is very important throughout our daily routine in Rainbow class. We pray together at the start of the day, at lunch time and at the end of the day. We have a special prayer table in our classroom. We use it to help us focus when we are learning about God, worshipping or praying. 

Autumn 1

Our Welcome Service

On Friday 27th September, we had our welcome service. Our Year 5 buddies helped us lead the service and our parents/carers were invited to come too. We were given a special St Philip Howard badge, to welcome us to the school.

We are learning about Creation. God made the world and he was pleased with what He had created. We will learn about how the world was made and how God made each one of us unique and loves each one of us. We will go onto learn about the family of the church and how we become part of this family through baptism.