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RE - Sunshine

Welcome to our Religious Education page.

The Catholic faith is very much part of our day to day routine in Sunshine Class. We pray together first thing in the morning, before lunch and at the end of the day. There is a very special prayer table in our classroom, we use it to help us focus when we are learning about God, worshipping or praying.


Spring 2 - Desert to Garden

This term we learn about Lent, a time to pray, fast and give. We will learn about the journey to the cross and about the celebrations at Easter. We will join the rest of the school for an Easter Mass at the end of the term.


Spring 1 - Galilee to Jerusalem

In our Religious Education this term we are learning about the visit from the Magi and the special gifts they gave to Jesus. We will learn about Jesus growing into a man and the love that he has for all people. The children will learn about how Jesus welcomed the children and how he fed the 5000. We will think about how we show love to others through our words and actions.

We used shapes to represent the three wise men



 Autumn 2 - Prophesy and Promise

This half term we will be learning about Diwali and Remembrance. After that we will look at the story of Jesus birth in some detail. We will start with Mary and go on to learn how she was chosen to be Jesus's mother. We will find out about the role of the angels and the shephards and all about their journeys to Bethlehem

We made diva's as part of our learning about Diwali 


 Remembrance Day Poppies

 "Mary is special because God chose her to have a baby" - Kendra



 Autumn 1 Creation and Covenant


Our topic for this half term is Creation and Covenant.

We will be learning that God made our beautiful world and everything in it and that God made each one of us.

Alongside that we will learn about our prayer tables, making the sign of the cross and our daily prayers.

The children have been learning about baptism. They acted out a baptism.