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Term Dates



Term Dates 2024 - 2025

Term Dates 2024-2025

Term dates and Inset days are set by the school. As much as possible we try to align with our local schools and secondary schools. This is not always possible. Please check our school dates before booking any holidays.  We cannot authorise holidays during term time. 

Spring Term 2025                                                                                                           


Monday 6th January

  Inset Day                                        

Tuesday 7th January

  Term Starts

Friday 14th February

  End of Term School closes at 1pm

Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February

  Half Term

Monday 24th February

  Term Starts

Friday 4th April

  End of Term School closes at 1pm

Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April 

  Easter Break

Tuesday 22nd April 

  Inset Day

Wednesday 23rd April

  Term Starts


Summer Term 2025                                                                                                       


Monday 5th May

Inset Day          

Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May

Half Term

Monday 2nd June 

Inset Day

Wednesday 23rd July

End of Term School closes at 1pm

Thursday 24th July - 

Summer break


Term Dates 2025 - 2026

Term-Dates 2025-26

Autumn Term 2025
Monday 1st September INSET DAY
Tuesday 2nd September INSET DAY
Wednesday 3rd September Term Starts
Wednesday 22nd October Term Finishes at 1pm
Thursday 23rd October - Friday 31st October Half Term

Monday 3rd November

Term Starts
Friday 19th December Term Finishes at 1pm
Monday 22nd December - Monday 5th January Christmas Holidays
Spring Term 2026
Monday 5th January INSET DAY
Tuesday 6th January Term Starts
Friday 13th February Term Finishes at 1pm
Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February Half Term
Monday 23rd February Term Starts
Friday 27th March Term ends at 1pm
Monday 30th March - Friday 10th April Easter Holidays


Summer Term 2026
Monday 13th April Term Starts

Monday 4th May

Bank Holiday
Friday 22nd May Term ends at 1pm
Monday 25th May - Wednesday 3rd June Halt Term
Wednesday 3rd June INSET DAY
Thursday 4th June Term Starts
Wednesday 23rd July Term ends at 1pm