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Week 1 - The ABC of what I can be

The ABC of What I Can Be

Happy New Year! The children have come back very enthusiastic about their learning and have been using their Give-it-a-go Superpower.

Our book for Drawing Club has been Where The Wild Things Are. We have loved it and the children have started writing simple 'I am .... ' sentences. I am so proud of them for having a go and moving their learning on.

In maths we have been talking about length and height, the children have been comparing using the words longer / shorter and taller / shorter.

Our topic this half term is People Who Help Us. We have been talking about different jobs, the children have decided what jobs they would like to do when they grow up .... I guess we will have to wait and see!

In Religious Education we talked about the three wise men coming to see Jesus and the gifts that they brought. The children discussed the gifts they would give to Jesus if they could have visited him in the stable.

In our PE lesson we were practicing our jumping. 

Sunshine - Week 1 - The ABC of what I can be