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Week 2 - Firefighters

Fire Fighters

It has been an extremely cold and busy week but we have had a lot of fun.

Our book for Drawing Club this week has been Superworm. We have continued to write simple I am ... sentences and everyone has had a good attempt.

In maths we have been subitising (knowing how many without counting) and matching quantities to numerals.

We took some small farm animals into the forest to use our positional language, unfortunately many of them got lost in holes and under leaves, perhaps we will find them in the Spring!

Religious Education was all about love, the love that God and Jesus have for everyone one of us. We talked about what love looks like in our families and wrote a beautiful poem all about what love is.

Gymnastics is our new topic in P.E. and we were making shapes and doing different types of jumps this week.

The highlight of the week has been the visit from the fire fighters with their fire engine. We loved seeing the engine and learning all about it. We learnt a lot about what we can do to keep safe in our houses. We have been doing a lot of fire fighter role play both inside and outside. We also made moving pictures, we could choose a fire engine or a police van.

Sunshine - Week 2 - Firefighters