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Week 4 - Superhero Dad

Superhero Dad

This week we read the book 'Superhero Dad' and the children had to decide which member of their family is a superhero and why? There were some very interesting reasons. The children all drew pictures of their superhero. Mrs Harvey-Smith noticed that many of the children's family members looked like Mr Potato Head! (A head with arms and legs coming out of it). We spent some time practising drawing people with a body and from now on I expect all pictures of people to have a head and a body.

In maths we have been learning about the composition of number and have mostly worked with two and three. The children were very good at collecting three items and showing me three in different ways on their fingers.

Religious Education was about God's love for us, we thought about how we are all different yet God loves each one of us the same.

There was more time to explore in Forest School and the children had to search for specific things in the woods and bring them back to the log circle.

We have been practising our letter formation in the sand - hopefully you are practising at home too.

Sunshine - Week 4 - Superhero Dad