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Week 4 - The Dentist

The Dentist

This week we have been thinking about how the Dentist helps us.

We have been learning about how to keep our teeth healthy and that we should brush our teeth twice a day and for 2 minutes each time. We also did an experiment with eggs - see if your child can remember what we did.

Our Drawing Club Book was ‘The Hairy Toe’ which we loved. The children had lots of fun coming up with creative ideas related to the story.

In Religious Education we talked about welcoming people. The children all were able to talk about what they would do to welcome a visitor into their house. We had the story of Jesus welcoming the little children.

Maths was based around 5 little speckled frogs - the children were beginning to look at ways to make 5 (number bonds to 5).

Stay and Read was a great hit, nearly all parents were able to come and the children loved having the opportunity to read stories with their grown ups. Thank you very much for giving up your time to join us.